Omicron to end the Pandemic?

Will Omicron come to the rescue and show us how to fight future pandemics?

Omicron, Omicron, Omicron, here I come to save the world!

The latest variant of interest, Omicron has generated much controversy and initial consternation just like the prior variants. However this has come with a twist of cynicism and accusations of western nations by Southern African countries of exhibiting xenophobia and ill-conceived travel apartheid that was premature and unjustified.

Evidence on ground suggests the current alarm and fear as regards to the virulence and transmissibility was unwarranted and the Southern Africans are being punished for doing the world a favour in detecting the viral variant early.

The sars-cov-2 variant has been described to be as mild as the common cold. If this assessment is correct, then vaccination will not be required for the variant since our immune system is capable of protecting us adequately just like the common cold for which no vaccine exists.

However some countries such as the UK and the US have taking advantage of the situation to mount unwarranted pressure on their subjects to get the mRNA vaccine boosters to protect themselves from Omicron when in the true sense of it the boosters may have little or no effect on the variant capability to infect because of the 42 mutations it is purported to have undergone that will make it almost resistance to the mRNA antigen vaccines which already is less effective to the Delta variant.

The Russian president Vladimir Putin recently hinted of the unusual nature of the virus when he said in a publication that “This may be a live covid vaccine”.
Mr. Putin may not be wrong in his allusion as he speaks from a position of experience and knowledge as a veteran KGB spy.
If we do possess the capabilities to create a virus we should also be in a position to eliminate the virus. This may underlie Dr. Anthony Fauci’s boastful retort ” I represent science” when interviewed recently.

Bill Gates also recently alluded to the end of the pandemic being in sight with the Omicron variant. Mr. Gate always seems to be certain of what lies ahead either by intuition or foreknowledge just as he predicted correctly the current pandemic. Omicron may then be the antidote to tame the pandemic storm.

Since Omicron differs significantly from Delta and prior variants , it will most likely be more resistant to the current circulating mRNA vaccines.

I do not anticipate new vaccines to be created specifically for this variant if the authorities are ready to end the pandemic. The virus will most likely be allowed to run it’s natural course and infect everybody that is exposed, thereby conferring herd immunity in the population. This will then bring to an end the acute phase of the pandemic.

Omicron has largely been adjudged to be mild by most countries where it is circulating. So far it has proven to manifest moderate symptoms that may turn out to be a blessing in disguise if it ends the pandemic.

However for some people who have weak immune system or respiratory and lung disorders this mildness may be magnified in their situation especially now that most of the western regions are experiencing winter.

We know that our bodies are most susceptible to infection and less resilient during these winter periods, hence despite manifesting as a mild infection it may still result in the hospitalization of the infirmed and aged who have declining immune system. Hence we still need to take appropriate measures to keep the vulnerable safe while we try to live a near normal life.

In the midst of these hullaballoo there are interesting positives:

Omicron symptoms are mild and may result in few hospitalization.
It’s fast becoming the dominant sars-cov-2 variant and fast displacing the more virulent Delta variant.
It’s infection rate is faster than the Delta variant and have manifested in the 12.2 million population of Gauteng South Africa where it was first discovered with a steep curve Infecting millions within a short duration and then progressively receding.

Scott Gotlieb, the former FDA commissioner tweeted on the 16th of December “The positivity rate in South Africa has been flattening and now declined for the past two days. Hospital admissions in the epicenter of the outbreak, the #Gauteng province, are stable.”

If his observations persists, then this unique trajectory in this region could be a sign of good tidings, further corroborating the fact that the end of the pandemic is insight.

Also this notion will be further strengthened if this trend is repeated in other countries and the following interpretation of the Gauteng infection rate curve is correct.

  1. Omicron has cross reactivity with prior Sars–cov-2 variants hence immunity from prior strains are preserved making it run out of human preys very fast.
  2. Natural infection with sars-cov-2 confers long-lived immunity from any prior sars-cov-2 variant strain.
  3. Gauteng in South Africa is on the road to herd immunity with the decline in infection rate indicating majority of the population have acquired immunity hence less hosts are available to infect.

Omicron Infection in the vaccinated will give them a taste of long-lived immunity and not the temporary protection conferred by the mRNA vaccines.
Getting boosted over Omicron Infection may not be advisable as this can send the immune system to overdrive which may have negative consequences.

What new perspective does Omicron offer?

Omicron has shown that we can release an attenuated mutated strain of any future pandemic capable virus to virtually inoculate the world population safely without the risks of vaccines adverse effects and their long term consequences.

This will be a controversial method of controlling epidemics and pandemics because it has not been done before and will rob the pharmaceutical industry of valuable profits from vaccines.

However the proposition is worth exploring further as it seems to have some promising potential if applied sensibly with proper safeguards in place.

We may need to develop the expertise to isolate and mutate viruses if we do not already have this capability.
With hindsight Dr Anthony Fauci may be right after all in pursuing the gain of function (GOF) experiment on how to mutate and change a virus functionality if it’s intended to help counter the threats of viral epidemic and not to be used as a bioweapons.

However because of the enormous risks associated with such an experiment and the consequences of a viral leak or escape from the lab caution will need to be exercised when undertaking such an adventure.

This proposal is not an endorsement of the mode and manner in which the current pandemic have been orchestrated and executed if demonstrating this capability was one of the aims of the globalist.
Thousands of lives have been lost in the process with people developing life changing injuries from adverse reactions of the mRNA vaccines.

No reason can justify this despicable act of reducing human value to a common commodity in exchange for knowledge by turning us to experimental guinea pigs without consideration of the consequences that may be catastrophic with seismic proportions as currently being predicted by some school of taught

Let us join hands together and bring this pandemic to an end without endangering human life further.

Victor Azodoh

Covid-19: The hypothesis of break through cases: The relationship between break through cases and reactivation of dormant viruses. 14/10/21

It is generally acknowledged that the mRNA vaccines do not induce the adaptive immune system but relies on our innate defense mechanism to activate the plasma cells to produce neutralizing antibodies against the vaccine spike protein. This is why their effects are short-lived.

This stimulation of the immune system  heightens its defenses against any pathogen and wanes within 3 to 4 months.
However the vaccination can produce either a negative or positive effect on the recipients depending on their immune status.

When we become exposed to the Corona virus sars-cov-2, while the vaccine induced antibodies persists, if they are neutralizing we may have mild or no symptoms. But if they are not, we develop full blown infection, which may likely be severe due to the weakening of the immune cells. This infection that pass through the vaccine induced innate protective barriers is termed “break through” infection.

When we do recover we are most likely going to develop long-lived immunity.

However when the circulating vaccine-antibodies wane and no longer effective, the natural immune defenses kick-in on infection by the virus.

If the initial inoculation had a positive effect on our immune status, then we will have a less severe infection and afterwards develop long-lived immunity. However if the effect was negative we develop severe form of the infection and when we do recover we develop long-lived immunity.

If we are vaccinated when we develop the severe form of the infection, this can be seen as a vaccine enhanced disease because the inoculation impaired or contributed to impairing our immune response or eroded the capability of our immune system to respond effectively against the virus.

Since our physiological make ups are different, we can react differently to the application of the same stimulus. For instance the same dose of vaccine can produce varying effects on us depending on our health status. We may experience mild reactions while others may have adverse reactions to the same dose causing inflammation to the immune cells.

When this occurs the immune cells may be unable to function optimally which can lead to the production of sub optimal antibodies. This sub optimal antibodies can be ineffective making the vaccine effect redundant and can lead to enhancement of the infection rather than providing protection.

This enhancement will allow for more rapid replication of the virus rather than the retardation. This then produces increased viral load on the host.
This phenomenon is a consequence of the negative effect of the mRNA vaccines on a weak immune status and can be viewed as triggering vaccine enhanced disease which has become visible with the advent of the Delta virus.

This situation may not necessarily have been triggered by the Delta variant per se, but may have as well been produced by any other emergent dominant virus at this phase of the vaccine mediated pandemic.

The breakthrough cases seems to have some correlates with reactivated dormant viruses.

The mRNA vaccines have been found to produce a number adverse events of which includes the reactivation of dormant viruses such as Herpes Varicella Zoster.

Varicella zoster virus is known to cause chicken pox disease and goes into hibernation after the course of the disease conferring long term immunity on the affected.
However this virus can also be resurrected in later years due to the waning of the protective antibodies or when the body experiences intense stress that makes the immune system to become compromised.
In the case of the Varicella zoster virus, it reactivates to cause a less virulent type of chicken pox disease called shingles.

In a similar way as breakthrough cases, for some people the mRNA vaccines could be said to produce the same negative effects on the immune system that results in the reactivation of some of these dormant viruses.
The mRNA vaccines cause the weakening or eroding of the immune cells due to overstimulation, making it unable to produce the required amount of antibodies to keep in check or balance the effect of latent viruses and new viral pathogens thereby making latent viruses to become active again to cause disease.
This can be viewed to produce similar type of effect as when the balance of bacteria flora in our gut is altered given rise to overgrowth of some that then produces symptoms in our body.

Giving vaccine boosters to people that experience breakthrough cases due to weak immune system or waning antibodies will exacerbate their condition because this will exert more stress on the immune system and will cause a rapid deterioration of their condition.

We can also infer from this that dispensing regular boosters as an infection prevention measure can be counter productive as it will predispose the recipients to developing vaccine induced disease due to over stimulation of the immune system.

The immune system will require some time to repair the damaged cells and does not require further stimulation during this period of recuperation.

In summary Breakthrough infections suggest either weakening of immune system or  waning of antibodies. Both have different implications.

Weakening of the immune system may present with severe infection while waning of antibodies may manifest with mild to moderate infection.

People with breakthrough cases are more likely to benefit from monoclonal antibody therapy and any natural remedy that will boost the immune system.

This breakthrough cases and the introduction of boosters with the aim of extending protection makes it compelling to develop new treatments that will confer longer term immunity that obviate the need for boosters while limiting or eliminating the use of the current mRNA vaccines, only to be administered to the most vulnerable who would  otherwise have been  in a  worst situation.

It is hoped that The World Health Organization (WHO) and various health authorities will consider the implication of this postulation when formulating treatment protocols for combating the coronavirus disease on those with weakened immune status which can also be induced by the administration of the mRNA vaccines.

Covid-19: The way forward 01-10-2021

In the course of the pandemic, various countries have employed different strategies in bringing the infection and death rates under control. Some of these measures have worked better than others.

Some governments have experimented with different strategies or followed WHO (World Health Organisation) prescriptions of one-size-fits-all with little success.

However one will expect any government that is determined to bring the pandemic under control to examine those interventions that have worked in some countries with a view to implementing the same, if those measures are compatible with that countries social economic environment.

These interventions can broadly be categorized into pharmaceuticals and non pharmaceutical interventions and have had varied degrees of success in their use and deployment.

The pharmaceutical interventions such as mass vaccination have been the most controversial because of the interplay of different interest groups and has become an impediment in determining the most effective way of bringing the pandemic to a close.

Most opinions are in agreement that targeted rather than indiscriminate pharmaceutical interventions will be the most effective, in conjunction with early detection and treatment of the infection in controlling the pandemic.

The non pharmaceutical interventions such as face masks, social distancing and good hygiene practice have been widely adopted in most countries without much ado.

Sweden and Israel provides a good case study of contrasting strategies that have had varied levels of success that government technocrats can avail themselves of in formulating effective Covid-19 strategies.

Herd immunity is still within reach, but requires we eschew parochial and vested interests and adopt proven and successful strategies.

Heeding to this advice will bring us closer to bringing this calamity to an end.

Vaccination Dilemma: Making that decision

Vaccination dilemma: Do I get vaccinated? Which Vaccine should I go for.

Most people will ponder some of these questions, as they look for ways to protect themselves and their loved ones from the ravaging Corona virus. Even when the answer to the first question is in the affirmative you then have the other huddle of deciding which of the vaccines to go for as they come with different level of risks and benefits. However this choice will be limited to what brand of vaccines your government has made available since vaccines are distributed by most governments and not procured privately.

This is the dilemma every household will contend with. To the layman it’s difficult to evaluate the various levels of risks associated with each of the vaccines without seeking help from someone that is well informed in this area.

Currently we have about three vaccines that have been granted Emergency Use Authorization but not full approval by FDA and British Health Authority namely Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca with more to come all having varying degrees of safety and efficacy.
It is worth noting that The Emergency Use Authorization granted has lower safety requirements than full approval requirements and the trials will continue until final approval is given.

Currently we do not know what sort of immunity any of these vaccines confers and the duration. Also most associated side effects are currently unknown due to limited trial period and data.
This situation is not surprising as it will be difficult to provide these answers because of the short duration of trialing these vaccines in addition to the fact that they employ untested novel technology ( mRNA and Viral Vector) hence these questions will remain unanswered for sometime until more longer trials and review have been conducted which is not possible in the current situation if the pandemic can be brought under control.
However it is known that viruses in the same viral family do not generate long-lived immunity responses.

If the duration of the immunity the Vaccines confers is very short then you are left wandering if taking the vaccine is worthwhile.
let’s assume the duration to be 4 months, some of the thought provoking questions will include the following:
Will it make sense for me to be vaccinated every 4 months to remain safe?
Who will pay for this?
Won’t I be exposing myself to undue risk on the injection site such as inflammation as reported or even blood cloth or other side effects.
Wouldn’t these risks be obviated if I take preventive drugs such as aspirin, vitamin C and zinc supplements daily and Artemether Lumefantrine every 2 months rather than facing the horror of vaccine inoculation every 4 months.
Even practicing the simple therapy of inhaling and exhaling of steam, taking regular steam or sauna bath, or drinking hot tea daily are simple ways of keeping the virus in check. Though these simple ways requires diligence and consistency to be effective.
Also How will I know the vaccine will work for me each time I take it since the effectiveness is not 100 %?

The reality is that these vaccines are not the silver bullet that will stop the pandemic as initially postulated as there is currently no evidence that it confers long term immunity from Covid-19.
However much effort and resources has been expanded on the research for a vaccine that will help eliminate covid-19, that effort is yet to yield the desired result and will require more time for a vaccine that confers long term or permanent immunity to be produced.
Although if substantial number of the world population is vaccinated within the window of activity of the vaccine this may lead to the elimination of the disease but we know this will not be realistic on these initial releases until the public has high confidence on the safety and efficacy of the vaccines which will in turn lead to more voluntary intake.

Those on the vulnerable category may still benefit from these initial releases despite its short term protection as the body will be in a better position to fight the disease if exposed to the virus subsequently thereby lowering the overall casualty rate if the efficacy is as published.

It may also be necessary to preclude those that already have developed antibodies from previous infection from being vaccinated rather than exposing them to undue risk as they already have some level of immunity. Hence it may be necessary to perform antibody tests before vaccination is administered. This will also ensure that the vaccine is first given to those at higher risks of the disease.

The Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines published an efficacy of 95% for cases beginning 28 days after the first dose. The efficacy indicates that out of every 100 people Vaccinated 5 people will still experience symptomatic Covid-19. So being vaccinated is not iron clad that you are protected from symptomatic Covid-19 but will reduce the severity or make it asymptomatic. Hence you can still spread the virus even though you have been vaccinated,

I will review the currently available vaccines. Opinion expressed is personal and will suggest everyone conduct an independent verification of my proposal before making an informed decision.

Pfizer and Moderna vaccine

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccine employ the same mRNA method of producing vaccines. This is a novel technology and no approved vaccine for human use have been developed with this technology before now. In my earlier article (Vaccine: What we all need to know I highlighted the versatility of this vaccine production method which has been deployed in the production of Animal vaccines however because of some of the challenges of using this method, producing commercially approved human vaccine has not been viable before now as more work was required to ensure it’s safety and efficacy. Human trials of cancer vaccines using mRNA technology have been taking place since 2011.

What is this mRNA (Messenger RiboNucleid Acid) Vaccine and how does it work?
These Vaccines are made to elicit an immune response against the coronavirus through the virus’s genetic instructions for the viral spike protein to multiply inside the host. Traditional vaccines use the virus itself, however an mRNA Vaccine works off a sequence of the virus’ genetic code, instead.

An mRNA vaccine is made up of an mRNA strand that codes for a disease-specific antigen. Once the mRNA strand in the vaccine is inside the body’s cells, the cells use the genetic information to make the antigen. This antigen is then displayed on the cell surface, where it is recognized by the immune system.
mRNA vaccines are non-infectious and contain no parts of the virus. Rather than exposing the body to a small amount of virus to create an immune response, mRNA causes the vaccine recipient to produce the protein of interest.
mRNA (mRNA) is found in all living cells. These strands of genetic code act as chemical intermediaries between the DNA in our chromosomes and the cellular machinery that make the proteins we need to function: mRNA provides the instructions this machinery needs to compose these proteins.

What are the Pros for this Vaccine method.

  1. It allows for the rapid production of any type of antigen vaccines with minimal overhead cost at very short duration. This explains why the first two approved vaccines are produced by this method.
    This technologies support fast and flexible vaccine development and production. Since all vaccines can be produced using the same basic components, manufacturing of several vaccines can take place in one established facility cutting both the costs and time of vaccine production dramatically
  2. Scales easily: Their synthesis mostly relies on chemically synthesized material, supporting large-scale production with relative ease.
  3. DNA non-interferance: They do not affect or interact with our DNA in any way
  4. Confers Protection: mRNA vaccines, like all vaccines, confers some level of protection on those vaccinated.

The disadvantage of these mRNA vaccines are deemed significant enough for the vaccines using this method not to be produced before now as it employs genetic engineering of human cells to produce the Covid-19 spike protein through the mRNA of the coronavirus. It is worthy of note that cancer vaccines using this method has been under trial since 2011 and yet to be approved by any regulatory agency.

  1. Unintended effects: A more likely downside of a mRNA vaccine might be un-intended consequences of releasing viral proteins within certain human cells, causing damage.
  2. Storage: many mRNA vaccines, like conventional vaccines, need to be frozen or refrigerated. Work is ongoing to reliably produce vaccines that can be stored outside the cold chain, since these will be much more suitable for use in countries with limited or no refrigeration facilities
  3. Safety: better understanding of vaccine side effects and adverse reactions is needed – these can include inflammation or autoimmune reactions but will require longer trial. Adverse reactions such as Bells Palsy and Allergic reactions have been reported on current trials.

The clinical trial data for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines show that when both shots of the dual-injection immunization are taken, three weeks to a month apart, they are about 95% effective at preventing severe COVID illness.
However the method at arriving this effectiveness has been criticized. For instance The BMJ ( British Medical Journal) in an editorial has insinuated that the Pfizer/Mordena trials were inadequate because of the focus on speed and the studies were designed to answer the simplest of questions in the least time and not the most clinically relevant questions. For example the target events end points were very low and foster an impression that vaccines are being tested on people at low risk of getting covid-19—and even lower risk of severe disease—who may be unrepresentative of populations prioritized to receive an approved vaccine. For instance the study data indicates that out of 43, 000 participants only 170 cases of Covid-19 was observed with 162 from the control group and 8 observed in the Vaccine group. Also there were no published clinical results to corroborate the statiscal data such as level of antibodies etc., hence the likelihood of the vaccine inducing immunity could not currently be determined.

Common Side Effects
The most commonly reported side effects of the mRNA vaccines which typically lasted several days, were pain at the injection site, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, and fever. Of note, more people experienced these side effects after the second dose than after the first dose, so it is important for vaccination providers and recipients to expect that there may be some side effects after either dose, but even more so after the second dose.

Adverse effects have also been reported such as Bells Palsy which disfigures the face and allergic reactions. Hence it’s been recommended that people with severe allergy and autoimmune disease should not take this Vaccine.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported 8 cases of anaphylactic allergic reaction that have caused some concern by the authorities, in the Pfizer vaccine outside the clinical trials. The severe allergy-like reactions may be due to a compound in the packaging of the messenger RNA (mRNA) polyethylene glycol (PEG) , that forms the vaccine’s main ingredient, scientists say. Moderna Vaccine, also contains the compound.
PEG has never been used before in an approved vaccine, but it is found in many drugs that have occasionally triggered anaphylaxis—a potentially life-threatening reaction that can cause rashes, a plummeting blood pressure, shortness of breath, and a fast heartbeat

It is currently not known if irreversible side effects might emerge in future or who is at higher risk from them.
The Pfizer clinical trial was not evaluated for any sub category of people hence we do not know how effective it is on various profile category such as the elderly, children, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases etc.
The British government has given Pfizer immunity from prosecution from such adverse effects or death that results from the use of the Vaccine. Same has been extended to Moderna in the US.

AstraZeneca Vaccine

The UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has provided authorization for emergency supply of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine, formerly AZD1222, for the active immunization of individuals 18 years or older. The authorization recommends two doses administered with an interval of between four and 12 weeks. This regimen was shown in clinical trials to be safe and effective at preventing symptomatic COVID-19, with no severe cases and no hospitalizations more than 14 days after the second dose.
This Vaccine is based on Using a vector to propagate the antigens or the spike protein into the hosts cells. This vector is known as Adenovirus a weakened form of the cold flu chimpszee virus that has no effect on human host.
After vaccination, the surface spike protein is produced, priming the immune system to attack the SARS-CoV-2 virus if it later infects the body.

This technology is relatively new and this is the 4th time it is being employed on human. The first was the Sanofi Vaccine Dengue fever Dengvaxia®. The second is the Merck Ebola Vaccine rVSV-ZEBOV that use vesicular stomatitis virus and was approved by FDA and EMEA on December 2019 the onset of the Covid-19 Pandemic and the 3rd is the Johnson and Johnson Zabdeno (Ad26.ZEBOV) Vaccine for Ebola that got regulatory approval in June 2020 that uses Adenovirus as the vector. So this is a relatively new technology

What are the Pros for this Vaccine method.

  1. Immune Response: One advantage of a vector vaccine is that it can produce a robust immune response without an adjuvant. But developers must strike a careful balance: The vaccine dose should be high enough to induce an immune response, but low enough that the body doesn’t overreact with aggressive inflammation.
    The adenovirus used also can’t be common, since people with prior exposure would fight it off before it could deliver the spike protein gene. (AstraZeneca’s vaccine uses a chimpanzee adenovirus to alleviate that problem.)
  2. The vaccine can be stored, transported and handled at normal refrigerated conditions (two-eight degrees Celsius/ 36-46 degrees Fahrenheit) for at least six months and administered within existing healthcare settings.

The Cons of these Vaccine include the following:
1.pre-existing immunity: An obstacle to the use of Viral vectors is the presence of pre-existing immunity against the virus. This is caused by previous exposure to the virus and the production of neutralizing antibodies that reduce vaccine efficacy.

  1. Ineffectiveness of Booster Shots: The vector approach may pose challenges for booster shots, since the body may recognize the adenovirus and attack it right away
  2. The development of viral vectors requires high biological safety level in order to gain public acceptance. Therefore, non- (or low-) pathogenic viruses are often selected. In most cases, viruses are genetically engineered to reduce or eliminate pathogenicity. Additionally, most viral vectors are replication-defective.

Common Side effects
A Phase 1/2 reported that about 60% of 1,000 participants given the vaccine experienced side effects. All of the side effects, which included fever, headaches, muscle pain, and injection site reactions, were deemed mild or moderate. All of the side effects reported also subsided during the course of the study.
At least two participants in phase 3 trial experienced transverse myelitis, an inflammatory syndrome that affects the spinal cord, after receiving the company’s experimental COVID-19 vaccine.
Additional safety and efficacy data for the vaccine will continue to accumulate from ongoing clinical trials.
The results published in The Lancet medical journal, state that the vaccine is 27% effective in preventing asymptomatic transmission.

There were 131 symptomatic COVID-19 cases in total amongst 11,636 participants in the UK and Brazil trials. Among these, 30.5 (0.5%) out of 5,807 cases were in the COViD-19 vaccine group and 101 (1.7%) out of 5,829 cases were in the control group, meaning that the vaccine has efficacy of around 70%
Future analyses of the data will include investigation of differences in key subgroups such as older people and those of different races. They will also explore dosages, timing of booster vaccines, which immune responses signify protection from infection, and the duration of that immunity.

In summary taking the vaccine is an individual choice . No one should be pressured to take the vaccine because the manufacturers are protected by law against any liability as a consequence of any adverse reaction or death experienced from the vaccination by the public.
In February 2019 the US Health and Human Services Secretary invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The 2005 law empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company. The protection lasts until 2024.
That means that for the next four years, these companies “cannot be sued for money damages in court” over injuries related to the administration or use of products to treat or protect against Covid-19.

The British Government have also changed the law in recent weeks to give new protections to companies such as Pfizer, giving them immunity from being sued by patients in the event of any complications.

The AstraZeneca trial design as made public was much thorough and clinically relevant than that made available by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna. It seems Pfizer and Moderna only made public the least information required to get the Emergency Authorization approval.
However the results are still inconclusive and confusing at this time and requires more data and time to give concise Interpretation.

Putting all things into consideration I will not personally be inoculated at this early stage with any of the Vaccines until final approval is granted. Any discerning mind reading the published data from the studies will know that there is still a lot of unknown and some of the results produced conflicting outcome with no clear interpretation which calls for more investigations.

The act of desiginig a vaccine should be like that of an aircraft. There should never be shortcuts or half measures otherwise this will portend great danger for humanity.
What is currently being marketed as vaccines with the current releases nay not truly be in the true sense of it as non has been able to establish to confer any long lasting immunity expected of a vaccine. They are just Vaccines in the making. They have only been confirmed to provide protection against symptomatic Covid-19 which implies they may only reduce the severity of the symptoms. This position is corroborated in the published Pfizer trial results in the new England medical Journal edition of 30/12/2020 where it is stated that “The vaccine met both primary efficacy end points, with more than a 99.99% probability of a true vaccine efficacy greater than 30%. These results met our prespecified success criteria, which were to establish a probability above 98.6% of true vaccine efficacy being greater than 30%, and greatly exceeded the minimum FDA criteria for authorization.”

Also in an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine ( as at Sep 29 2020 by the mRNA-1273 Study Group titled
“Safety and Immunogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-1273 Vaccine in Older Adults” it was stated as regards to the neutralizing antibodies found that.
“ no correlate of protection for SARS-CoV-2 has been established. However, neutralizing-antibody levels have been shown to correlate with protection against many viruses in humans and have correlated with protection against SARS-CoV-2 in animal challenges.”
Despite eliciting some antibodies which may have provided some short-lived innate protection this does not produce adaptive antibodies required to confer long term protection expected of a Vaccine. However it’s most likely some clarity will be provided on this as the trial progresses.

In their clinical trials, Pfizer/BioNTech did not track cases of asymptomatic infections with COVID-19. This means the ability of the vaccine to decrease transmission was never evaluated. It might as well lead to an increase in the spread of the disease due to the increase in the number of asymptomatic cases vaccination may introduce. People vaccinated may feel confident that they are now protected and hence stop the practice of wearing face masks which prevents the spread. More public education is required to forestall this from happening until we have certainty on the level of protection it gives.

Anybody getting vaccinated at this stage with the Emergency Use Authorization is unwittingly participating in the trial.
An Emergency Use Authorization is not the same as full Authorization. The Vaccines will continue to undergo trial despite this until they meet the requirement for full approval.