Covid-19: The hypothesis of break through cases: The relationship between break through cases and reactivation of dormant viruses. 14/10/21

It is generally acknowledged that the mRNA vaccines do not induce the adaptive immune system but relies on our innate defense mechanism to activate the plasma cells to produce neutralizing antibodies against the vaccine spike protein. This is why their effects are short-lived.

This stimulation of the immune system  heightens its defenses against any pathogen and wanes within 3 to 4 months.
However the vaccination can produce either a negative or positive effect on the recipients depending on their immune status.

When we become exposed to the Corona virus sars-cov-2, while the vaccine induced antibodies persists, if they are neutralizing we may have mild or no symptoms. But if they are not, we develop full blown infection, which may likely be severe due to the weakening of the immune cells. This infection that pass through the vaccine induced innate protective barriers is termed “break through” infection.

When we do recover we are most likely going to develop long-lived immunity.

However when the circulating vaccine-antibodies wane and no longer effective, the natural immune defenses kick-in on infection by the virus.

If the initial inoculation had a positive effect on our immune status, then we will have a less severe infection and afterwards develop long-lived immunity. However if the effect was negative we develop severe form of the infection and when we do recover we develop long-lived immunity.

If we are vaccinated when we develop the severe form of the infection, this can be seen as a vaccine enhanced disease because the inoculation impaired or contributed to impairing our immune response or eroded the capability of our immune system to respond effectively against the virus.

Since our physiological make ups are different, we can react differently to the application of the same stimulus. For instance the same dose of vaccine can produce varying effects on us depending on our health status. We may experience mild reactions while others may have adverse reactions to the same dose causing inflammation to the immune cells.

When this occurs the immune cells may be unable to function optimally which can lead to the production of sub optimal antibodies. This sub optimal antibodies can be ineffective making the vaccine effect redundant and can lead to enhancement of the infection rather than providing protection.

This enhancement will allow for more rapid replication of the virus rather than the retardation. This then produces increased viral load on the host.
This phenomenon is a consequence of the negative effect of the mRNA vaccines on a weak immune status and can be viewed as triggering vaccine enhanced disease which has become visible with the advent of the Delta virus.

This situation may not necessarily have been triggered by the Delta variant per se, but may have as well been produced by any other emergent dominant virus at this phase of the vaccine mediated pandemic.

The breakthrough cases seems to have some correlates with reactivated dormant viruses.

The mRNA vaccines have been found to produce a number adverse events of which includes the reactivation of dormant viruses such as Herpes Varicella Zoster.

Varicella zoster virus is known to cause chicken pox disease and goes into hibernation after the course of the disease conferring long term immunity on the affected.
However this virus can also be resurrected in later years due to the waning of the protective antibodies or when the body experiences intense stress that makes the immune system to become compromised.
In the case of the Varicella zoster virus, it reactivates to cause a less virulent type of chicken pox disease called shingles.

In a similar way as breakthrough cases, for some people the mRNA vaccines could be said to produce the same negative effects on the immune system that results in the reactivation of some of these dormant viruses.
The mRNA vaccines cause the weakening or eroding of the immune cells due to overstimulation, making it unable to produce the required amount of antibodies to keep in check or balance the effect of latent viruses and new viral pathogens thereby making latent viruses to become active again to cause disease.
This can be viewed to produce similar type of effect as when the balance of bacteria flora in our gut is altered given rise to overgrowth of some that then produces symptoms in our body.

Giving vaccine boosters to people that experience breakthrough cases due to weak immune system or waning antibodies will exacerbate their condition because this will exert more stress on the immune system and will cause a rapid deterioration of their condition.

We can also infer from this that dispensing regular boosters as an infection prevention measure can be counter productive as it will predispose the recipients to developing vaccine induced disease due to over stimulation of the immune system.

The immune system will require some time to repair the damaged cells and does not require further stimulation during this period of recuperation.

In summary Breakthrough infections suggest either weakening of immune system or  waning of antibodies. Both have different implications.

Weakening of the immune system may present with severe infection while waning of antibodies may manifest with mild to moderate infection.

People with breakthrough cases are more likely to benefit from monoclonal antibody therapy and any natural remedy that will boost the immune system.

This breakthrough cases and the introduction of boosters with the aim of extending protection makes it compelling to develop new treatments that will confer longer term immunity that obviate the need for boosters while limiting or eliminating the use of the current mRNA vaccines, only to be administered to the most vulnerable who would  otherwise have been  in a  worst situation.

It is hoped that The World Health Organization (WHO) and various health authorities will consider the implication of this postulation when formulating treatment protocols for combating the coronavirus disease on those with weakened immune status which can also be induced by the administration of the mRNA vaccines.

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